The infamous ‘red light’ is on again as JPRD serves up another batch of donuts and coffee to recognize outstanding employees. The department compliment-a-coworker system is anonymous online. Employees can compliment their co-workers for exceptional and exemplary work, going above and beyond the call of duty.
We sprinkled two groups of employees with a celebratory breakfast with the director on September 16 and November 4. In addition, employees were honored with a sweet treat and coffee and received certificates of appreciation.

Selina Blanco-Sharp

Anthony Corpora

Michael Fulks

Ramon Jackson

Margaret Lae

Uneeta LaCoste

Jade Lopez

Darrell McGivens

Paul Pace

Stephens Valiente

Jennifer Walker

Kyle Arceneaux

Keith Davillier

Brianna Duronslet

Rebecca Bourgeois

Annette Weisler

Cory Goodwin

Christopher Hamilton

James Behne

Garry Vedros

Pamela Bibbins

Trey Martinez

Harold Buhler
Uneeta LaCoste
Jade Lopez
Michael Fulks
Selina Blanco-Sharp
Stephen Valiente
Jennifer Walker
Margaret “Peggy” Lae
Anthony “AC” Corpora
Ramon “Buck” Jackson
Paul Pace
Darrell McGivens
Jennifer Walker
Jason Ward
Danielle Rixner
Jessica Woodfill
Kristopher Christoffel
Carol Senft
Kyle Beske
Kristen Blount
Ronald Tew
Keith Davillier
Kyle Arceneaux
Christopher Hamilton
Annette Weisler
Cory Goodwin
Trey Martinez
Rebecca Bourgeois
Harold Buhler
James Behne
Pamela Bibbins
Garry Vedros
Derrick Phillip
Timothy Collins
Larry “Thomas” Walker
Nickcole Moore
Norman Henry
Joseph Guttierrez
John Hayes
Jacob Cherry
Rory Luke
Stephen Accardo
James “Tripp” Rabalais
Brianna Duronslet
Robert Pistorius
Sidney Watkins