JPRD Elite Baseball Club

Calling all 13’s and 14’s

JPRD Elite Baseball Club

Program Director: Bobby Ledoux
Coaching and Instruction Coordinators: Karl Williams and Stephen Lewis

Program Description

JPRD has developed a new baseball experience specifically designed for 13 and 14-year-olds in Jefferson Parish. The JPRD Elite Baseball Club will provide year-round baseball-specific training guided by experienced coaches. The program will emphasize skill development in the Fall (September-November), personal fitness, arm strength, and hitting and fielding mechanics during the “off-season” (December-March) and high-level competition during the spring/summer (April-July).

Program Benefits

  • Affordable, high-level coaching and instruction
  • Individualized training program
  • Skill development first
  • High-level competition through local, regional and national tournaments & showcases
  • Family-friendly, consistent scheduling
  • Dedicated, top-notch training/playing facilities
  • JPRD branded apparel & uniforms

Program Structure

Fall 2023 (September-November)

  • Tryouts, 60 players picked, 4 teams of 13’s/14’s mixed, 12 Games, Instructional Nights

Off-Season 2023-2024 (December-March)

  • Competitive Teams Picked for Spring/Summer, Two 13’s and Two 14’s, Individualized “self-guided” fitness and drill workouts, Coach/Team Check-in Nights and Clinics.

Spring/Summer (April-July)

  • Team Practices, Sunday Night Baseball Club Games, Showcase Events, Summer Travel Tournaments (Replacing JPRD Dixie Boys All-Stars 13’s and 14’s)

Program cost

  • Fall/Off-Season
  • $350
  • Spring/Summer
  • $700

Parent Information Events

  • Facebook Live Event: Monday July 24 at 6pm. Use this link to access the JPRD Athletics Facebook Page
  • Wednesday, July 26, 7pm Pontiff Golden Age Center
  • Sunday, July 30, 7pm Terrytown Golden Age Center

Next Steps

  • Get information about the new program at one of the Parent Events listed above.
  • Register for the Tryouts at or use the QR Code ($4 tryout fee required and is non-refundable).
  • Attend Tryouts- Participants must attend both days either on the East Bank or West Bank
  • East Bank: Miley Stadium-August 7 and 8 from 6pm-8pm
  • West Bank: Segnette Field- August 9 and 10 from 6pm-8pm

Who to Contact

Bobby Ledoux at 504-736-6982 or email [email protected] Brad Roth or Tim Collins at 504-736-6999

Fine Print
**This is a Tryout based program and only 60 players (30- 13’s and 30- 14’s) will be selected for the JPRD Elite Baseball Club** **Only Jefferson Parish Residents or Participants on a current Playground Waiver are allowed to participate in the JPRD Elite Baseball Club. Proof of residency will be verified at registration. **

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