The Executive Assistant, Antoinette Holmes, secures the win as the Department’s Employee of the Year. Holmes, a six-year Departmental employee, stands out as an essential asset to JPRD. Holmes does not work in isolation; she assists every division, including Athletics, Leisure Services, Maintenance, Facilities, and Capital Projects. Antoinette gives the secret to becoming a better employee. She advises all employees to “be willing to step out of [their] comfort zone to expand [and] interact with different people and ideas because [people are] bringing new ideas to the table that [we] have to be open to.” The Executive Assistant would like to see each employee of the Department continue to strive to mesh together. “I think if we start looking at ideas that are different from our own, treating ideas as not better or worse, but different- that’s how [we] open [ourselves] to knowledge and a new experience. [That’s how we move from individuals to one next-level government],” said Holmes.